About Kimberle Lowry

Kimberle has worked for over 30 years as a Psychic Medium. She combines trance, energy work and activation of your light body into her work. She has certifications from the Sanctuary of Peace under Kathryn Barley as well as James Van Praagh and Tony Stockwell

Mentorship with Kathryn Barley

Certification as a Reiki Master

Certification as an Advanced Energy Practioner

Certification in Streaming Energy in Advanced Radiance

Ordained Interfaith Minister

Mentorship with James Van Praagh

Level 2 Mediumship

Level 3 Mediumship /Platform

Mentor for JVP students for 3 years

Mentorship with Tony Stockwell

Certification in Mastering Trance

Certification in Master Teaching Program

New Frontiers Program

Certification in Psychic Detection

She specializes in connecting to your guides and loved ones and uses their assistance to bring clarity and peace to your current situation as well as connecting to your loved ones passed.

Her passion is to assist in the activation of your light body. She enjoys aiding in discovering your current soul contracts or lessons and helping you awaken your own gifts.

She's been featured on multiple television shows, radio shows and interactive workshops. Whether working one-on-one, leading workshops, or guiding groups, Kimberle's presence exudes love, empathy, and a deep connection to the divine. Her mission is to empower individuals to discover their spiritual truth, heal old wounds, and embrace their highest selves for a more fulfilling existence.